Stofblomst accessory - det perfekte supplement til din accessoriessamling! Brug den som hårklips, broche, choker, halskæde, armbånd eller endda bælte. Blomstens elegante design gør den til et statement piece, perfekt til enhver lejlighed.
Størrelse: Diameter ca. 9 cm.
OBS! Båndet følger ikke med - find dit favoritbånd her: Multibånd
Introducing our versatile fabric flower accessory - the perfect addition to your accessory collection! Use it as a hair clip, brooch, choker, necklace, bracelet or even a belt, to effortlessly elevate any outfit. The elegant design of the flower makes it a statement piece, perfect for any occasion.
Size: Diameter app. 9 cm.
Please note: Ribbon is not included. Find your favorite ribbon here: Ribbons